Quote Your Patent Application in Taiwan.


Patent in Taiwan

Patent Services in Taiwan

We offer an extensive variety of services oriented to the analysis and protection of the inventions of our clients. If you need guidance for your patent filing in Taiwan do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Patent drafts

    Highly experience preparing patent drafts.

  • Local Filing

    File your local application in Taiwan.

  • Personalized Service

    A dedicated Account Manager will accompany you throughout the filing process and granting of your patent.

Design Services in Taiwan

If your company or you as a sole inventor are launching a new product in Taiwan, it is always recommendable to apply for an industrial design protection.  Consider that a design patent granted will protect the aesthetic aspects of your new product preventing unauthorized copying or imitation by others, also will add value to your product and company.

  • Design drawings

    We offer professional drawings services in order to allow the applicant a proper filing.

  • Design Search

    We offer international design search and analysis services.

  • Design Applications

    We will file your design in almost any country you need.

Faqs Attorney
Patent requirements