Patent requirements


1.- Filing information – Bahrain Patent
  • Name and address of the applicant.
  • Name, address and citizenship of the Inventor(s).
  • Invention Title, Abstract of the Invention, Utility Model or Design.
  • Invention, Utility Model or Design Text Description.
  • Claims.
  • Set of formal drawings.
  • Assignment document if applicant is different than the inventor.
  • Official certified priority document, including priority number and country of origin.
  • Official search results from the Patent Office where the patent was first filed.
2.- Patent in Bahrain

Concession of the Patent Grant: 20 years

Concession of the Utility Model or Design Application: 15 years

Member of the Paris Convention: Yes

Bahrain is a Member of the PCT: Yes

  1. Patent Filing
  2. Preliminary Exam
  3. Patent Publication: 18 months from the priority date
  4. Formal Examination Request: Before 36 months from the filing date. Must be requested after 60 days from the patent publication date.
  5. 90 days to respond office action from the formal examination.
  6. Acceptance or rejection
  7. Payment of the Final Taxes and Title.
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